Make Your Carpets Look New With Expert Cleaning
We often don’t think about the dirt living deep within our carpets, especially the odors and smells they bring to our home.
At Mequon Vacuum Center we carry Hoover carpet cleaners that are specifically engineered to tackle those deep-down embedded stains and germs. Stains and pet messes happen anywhere and anytime – take your cleaning routine further and remove those accidents from carpet, upholstery and even your entry rug.
As people go inside and outside the home, their footsteps track a lot more dirt, germs and odors inside the home than they probably realize.
While you can clean most of these small messes and stains with soap and water, using cleaning solutions, a carpet cleaning machine will give you a much deeper clean. These machines are designed specifically for our carpet cleaning machines to tackle deep down embedded dirt, stains and odors so your carpets get back to smelling new and fresh. Stop in to Mequon Vacuum Center today and check out our selection!